HOME Online Order Help
1.Where Can I find Bestek products?
You can find BESTEK products on Bestekmall.com, Amazon.com, eBay.com, WISH.com, and Walmart.com and other authorized platforms.
2.How can I know when the product I want is on sale?
There are two ways for you to get promotional messages. The best way is to create an account on bestekmall.com, and we’ll offer special deals to our registered users. Another way is to like our official Social Media pages like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Promotional information will be updated to our fans regularly.
3.What should I do if there is a product out of stock I want?
Sometimes products can’t meet the demands of orders, but we’ll provide replenishment in time to deliver on schedule. If that happens, please wait and your parcel will be sent within one day once we have stock. If we can’t ship your product as you requested, you can cancel your order and place it on your Wish List, which is specially designed for customers to easily save and buy products they want anytime.
4.What should I do if my products in shop-ping cart are missing?
We have a shopping cart for customers to save all the products they want to buy, so they can pay for their products when they are ready. If you can’t find your products in the shopping cart, please do as follows: Please try to reload the page. It may be caused temporary network issues. Reload the page and you should find your products still in the shopping cart.

Can I cancel my order after I pay for it?

Yes, you can cancel your order even when you pay for it.

You can cancel the order by yourself after you log into your account before the seller has shipped your product.
If you want to cancel the order before you receive the product, but the seller has already shipped, you can contact us and visit the Warranty & Return page to learn more about refunds and returns.

Payment questions when placing an order

1.How many payment methods are there?
BestekMall only supports the payment of PayPal currently, but we’ll try to develop other payment methods, like credit cards and other international payment methods in the future, to meet all of customers’ needs. bestek
2.How many payment methods?
We support multiple payment methods, including PayPal, VISA, Master Card, Discover, and American Express.
3.Can I pay for products in cash on delivery?
Sorry, cash on delivery is currently not allowed. Cash method has low security and we can’t protect both customers and our company’s benefit. Online payment is the fastest and safest for our buyers.
4.Is it safe to pay via PayPal?
In order to offer you a safe online shopping experience. BESTEK has high-level security measures and devices to protect your personal information and payment information from unauthorized access.

Shipping questions after placing an order

How long will it take to receive my order?
Commonly we’ll arrange the shipping within one day after we receive your payment.
If there is lack of stock, the website will leave you a message and will arrange the item within one day once the product is in warehouse and restocked.
If it is a preselling product, we’ll arrange the shipping according to the scheduled time.
1.How to track your order?
If the product you ordered is shipped by Amazon, you can log in your Amazon account and check it in “My Order”
If it is shipped by us, we’ll send you the tracking number and update information in time.
2.Why hasn’t my product been sent?
We may not have arranged the product if your payment has failed. In this case, please contact us to confirm and complete your purchase.
We may not ship your product in time because of lack of stock or it is still the preselling stage. Please look carefully before you placing your order. Don’t worry, we’ll arrange shipping once we have your product in stock or as scheduled. You can also get help from our online services.

3.Amazon says it has been shipped, but I can’t see any shipping information. What should I do?

  • It may be caused by wrong shipping information or it is delayed by the post office. Please contact us by support@bestekmall.com and we’ll help you fix the problem.
  • It may be delayed in a certain area due to the long dispatch time of remote areas or post office’s low efficiency in the high peak of shipping. You can call the post office to learn the specific status of your order.
  • It may have been shipped, but the shipping information may not be updated in time. You can call the post office to know where your package is located.
  • If you don’t receive the item and the shipping information isn’t updated for an extended period, it may be lost. Please contact support@bestekmall.com with your order receipt and you will receive a replacement after confirmation.

Refund & return questions after placing an order

1.How I apply for returns & replacements ?
Submit your application for your request. If your application is approved, you can return your product and we’ll refund you or replace a new item for you, or return it to you based on the results of verifying the product. If your application is denied, you can’t continue the next step. For more specific information, please check our Warranty & Refund page.
2.Can I apply for a refund if I haven’t received my product in time ?
You can apply for a refund if the product hasn’t been shipped by the seller. If the product has already been shipped, but you haven’t received it, then you need to apply for a refund on the Warranty & Return page. You can contact us with your order receipt to confirm.
3.What should I do if I want to return my product ?
Bestek warrants that customers are free to apply for returns or replacements after verifying based on our warranty rules. You may contact our support service or visit our warranty & return guide page for more information.
4.What should I do if I receive an item that is different from what is described online?
It is BESTEK’s mission to pay the best attention to product quality and customer’s user experience. If you receive a wrong item or the product is found defective, you can apply online for a refund or replacement. For more information, please check the Warranty & Return page.
5.Can I apply for a refund or a replacement ?
You may apply for a refund or a replacement for any reason within 30 days from your date of purchase. You should cover the shipping cost if it is verified, not quality related. For more details, please check the Warranty page or contact us directly.
6.Can I request a new product if any part of my product is damaged in the first 180 days from the date of my purchase ?
If the damage is quality related, you can visit the Return & Replacement page to receive a replacement. If the damage is caused by your improper operation or it is provided by unauthorized sellers, we may not provide a replacement.
7.Do I need to return all the accessories along with the packaging to you ?
It will vary on the product and claim. We suggest you send it as it originally came in the box, or your claim may not be approved successfully.
8.How long will it take if my refund has been approved ?
Refunds are usually dealt with successfully within one month after your product return. Money will be returned to your original payment account.
9.What proof should I have if I want to apply for a refund or replacement ?

If you purchased with BestekMall or its authorized sellers, we can easily check your order by your email, name or shipping address.

If you purchased through other authorized BESTEK resellers, please contact the reseller for a copy of your receipt.

If you received it as a gift, you can ask the giver for a copy of the receipt.



United States(English/USD)
